My Name Is Jake

My name is Jake… and I’m a Discordian. I don’t really know how I got wrapped up in all of this. There was a time when I was just another bored kid, a bored Army brat to be precise, who would read anything for an intellectual kick. Fiction, occult literature, pseudo-occult literature that’s dumbed down for typical teenagers and other soft-headed types, and eventually the nigh infinite supply of jokes and weird crap known as the Internet. When all your friends are “new friends” and you know they’ll be gone in a few years at most, you start to get desperate, you know? Without the craziness of hanging out with buddies to satisfy your need for novelty and excitement, you look to other sources… and I found them. Internet humor sites, mainly, but somewhere deep in the underbelly of the Weird, I found something different. Something called Discordianism. “A joke disguised as a religion, or a religion disguised as a joke” was the soundbite description I got. “Perfect!” I thought. I’m not religious, and the guys who wrote this silly holy book, the Principia Discordia, seem to have a sense of humor that parallels mine, so why not mess around by pretending to be a Discordian? Here’s the thing, though: pretending to be a Discordian and actually being a Discordian are not all that different. Some would probably tell you that there’s no difference there at all. That’s how it draws you in, see. First you think that you’re just part of a ridiculous joke, and then you get so into the joke it seems real, but then it’s a joke again, and then Reality is the joke and you forget where the hell you were going with this nonsense in the first place. Once I found that there were active Discordian communities online, I started hanging out with them. Swapped a few jokes and ideas, listened more than I spoke (or rather, read more than I wrote), and the rest, as they say, is the future.

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