
TOXICITY there is a segment of the population of this planet that has stopped learning. there is also a segment of the population of this planet that has lost the capacity to learn. what have these people become? it has been established over and over again that our way of life has become suicidal on the large scale, and though there are some who are able to change and are on the look out to change their ways it is becoming frightfully apparent that there does exist some form of being that is – at this point – unable to change its ways. what does this imply? i’m not sure really. years and decades and centuries of moving in a particular direction, and at the culmination of it we have these ‘living’ things that are able to take from the earth use these materials and in the process create by- products that we cannot use. we call it pollution, toxicity. it takes many forms and it is increasing rapidly. Background: a cluster of coffee stains in the vague shape of the biohazard symbol. Below, a baby in a gas mask crawls up the side of the page, dwarfing bellowing smokestacks and other industrial equipment.

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